How to Use a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB)

Pedestrians & Cyclists

  • Press the button on the RRFB to activate the flashing lights.
  • Look to see if vehicles are yielding before proceeding into and through the crosswalk.
  • Cross the street, stay within the bounds of the crosswalk, looking in both directions to ensure vehicles are yielding.
  • Cyclists: When riding in the travel lane, ride in the direction of traffic, obey all traffic laws and yield to pedestrians.



  • Begin yielding when approaching an activated RRFB.
  • Do not pass another vehicle that has stopped or is slowing down at a crosswalk.
  • Come to a complete stop prior to reaching the crosswalk boundary.
  • Do not stop within or block a crosswalk.
  • Remain stopped for pedestrians or cyclists that are within the crosswalk, regardless of whether the RRFB is activated.
  • Ensure crosswalk is clear before resuming travel.  


Pedestrians should always try to cross a roadway at a crosswalk. Crosswalks are sometimes marked with white pavement markings or decorative treatments, but crosswalks exist at every intersection (even if unmarked), unless signage is present prohibiting pedestrians from crossing.

Federal Highway Administration RRFB Information


How to Use a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (aka HAWK)

Using a pedestrian hybrid beacon is easy. Simply push the button and wait for the WALK signal to appear. It may take up to one minute for the signal to change, depending on the time of day. Be sure traffic has stopped before you enter the crosswalk. The Flashing “DON’T WALK” signal will appear as you finish your crossing. Countdown numbers will show how much time remains to cross the roadway.


Pedestrian Sequence:

Motorist Sequence:

  1. The signal remains DARK for traffic unless a person activates the push-button.


  1. When a person presses the button, approaching motorists will see a FLASHING YELLOW signal for a few seconds, indicating that the signal has been activated.


  1. The flashing yellow is followed by a SOLID YELLOW signal, indicating that motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop.


  1. The solid yellow is followed by double SOLID RED signals, requiring motorists to STOP.


  1. The double solid red signals are followed by double FLASHING RED signals. The signal will then go dark until activated again by a pedestrian.


During the double FLASHING RED signal indication, motorists are required to come to a FULL STOP but may proceed when pedestrians have cleared the crosswalk and it is safe to proceed.

Unlike a standard traffic signal, intersections with pedestrian hybrid beacons do not have any traffic signals facing the side-street approaches. Any side-street that is controlled by a stop sign will continue to be controlled by a stop sign when a pedestrian hybrid beacon is in place.

Federal Highway Administration Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Information