Project Summary

This project is intended to upgrade two intersections on Delaware-Licking County Line Road.  The first intersection is Fancher Road at County Line Road.  The second intersection is Center Village, Duncan Plains and Edwards Road at County Line Road.  

The County Engineer’s Office will be developing construction plans for a single-lane modern roundabout at each intersection, including storm sewers and drainage improvements for the vicinity of the intersection.

Fancher Road Intersection

Fancher Road Project Information Sheet (Feb 2025)

Center Village/Duncan Plains/Edwards Road Intersection


Center Village/Duncan Plains/Edwards Road Information Sheet (Feb 2025)

Why are We Doing This Project?

Delaware County is working with Licking County and the Ohio Department of Transportation to take proactive measures to address projected increases in traffic along major travel corridors leading to the Intel manufacturing campus. 

The current and projected traffic volumes at these intersection are an excellent fit for single-lane roundabouts. Projected traffic for the next 15-20 years will be able to pass through these roundabouts with minimal delay and at the highest level of safety for any intersection type.

What to Expect?

As we reach a point in the design of the roundabouts and have a footprint for the construction at each intersection. we will prepare plans and descriptions for additional right of way that is needed to build and maintain each roundabout.  We will reach out to affected property owners and negotiate for the purchase of the needed right of way. No impacts to homes or any structures are expected with this project.

Existing overhead poles and wires, and underground cables and pipelines will be relocated before or at the start of the road construction phase. Construction on single lane roundabouts generally takes around 3 months to complete and involves a full closure of the intersection for about 6 weeks.  Traffic would be maintained to all properties within the work zone during construction, but through traffic will be detoured to nearby routes.

The completed roundabouts will be similar to other roundabouts in the area.   The Fancher Road roundabout will be a typical circular roundabout.  The Center Village/Duncan Plains/Edwards Road roundabout will be a peanut-shaped roundabout to accommodate the 5 roads – 3 of the roads will connect to one bulb of the peanut and 2 of the roads will connect to the other bulb. 

The project will include street lighting on the approaches and landscaping in the center island. While roundabouts aren’t built to encourage truck traffic, they do accommodate trucks of all sizes with the use of a concrete apron in the center of the roundabout that longer trucks can drive over when needed.


Engineering: 2023-25

Property Purchase: 2025

Utility relocation: 2025

Construction: 2026

Public Comments

We welcome public input including questions or comments about this project.  Please address your comments or questions to the project manager:

Ryan J. Mraz, Chief Deputy Design Engineer (