Project Description
Replacement of a narrow and structurally deficient steel pony-truss bridge. Project includes removal of existing bridge, and installing a 42-foot span precast reinforced concrete arch culvert. Approach improvements including pavement and shoulder widening, drainage improvements, and guardrail installation. Existing truss bridge was donated for reuse as a park trail crossing by Delaware County Preservation Parks.
Project Location and Limits:
Lane Road beginning at Centerburg Road. Total project length is about 800 feet.
Road Closure Information
Road closed to through traffic with detour posted.
Project Schedule
Design engineering: June 2005 to August 2007
Right-of-way acquisition: December 2007 to April 2008
Utility relocation: April to June 2008
Construction: July to October 2008
Engineering Information
Construction documents prepared by the Delaware County Engineer’s Design Department.
Construction Information
Construction contract awarded to McDaniels Construction Company of Columbus, Ohio for $381,704.48. Precast concrete arch ordered through annual contract with Contech, Inc. for $92,640.
Estimated Project Cost