Public / Construction Updates:

8-20-18: Project Completion Update

The South Old State Road Improvements are in the home stretch.  Construction of curbs and final paving on the west side of the road, as well as installation of lighting, signals and traffic signs will take place over the next 10 weeks.  All traffic lanes are scheduled to open by November 2018.


4-3-2018: Lane Restrictions at Powell Road and Polaris Parkway

Lane restrictions on East Powell Road and on Polaris Parkway will be in effect for the next 2 months as crews widen South Old State Road near these intersections.


3-23-2017: South Old State Road Work to Begin March 27

Road work on South Old State Road will begin on March 27 starting with storm sewer installation and utility construction, as part of a project that will widen Old State Road from Polaris Parkway to Orange Road to 2 lanes in each direction plus add dual left turn lanes at Polaris and sidewalks and paths along the road.

Two-way traffic will be maintained along Old State Road although short term delays will occur as construction vehicles will be operating in and near the travel lanes. Motorists should consider alternate routes including US 23 or Worthington Road via Polaris Parkway.


January 2016: Project Update

The Delaware County Enginer’s Office continues to work with The City of Columbus and The Ohio Department of Transportation on this important infrastructure upgrade. The final construction plans are complete and this office is actively working with affected property owners to acquire the additional rights of way and coordinate the needed utility relocation.  The construction plans may be viewed here: 11×17 Plans


November 28, 2011: Project Announcement

After careful consideration of numerous public comments and in collaboration with the City of Columbus, Alternative 3 has been selected as the preferred alternative.

The South Old State Road Improvements will include construction of an additional lane in each direction on Old State Road from Wynstone Drive (0.1 miles south of Polaris Parkway) to Abbey Knoll Drive (0.1 miles north of Orange Road) and additional turn lanes at Polaris Parkway and Orange Road. The project will also provide a shared use path and sidewalks for bicyclists and pedestrians.

You can find more information about the project, including maps and other exhibits for the project alternatives at


June 24, 2011: Public Notice

The Delaware County Engineer is conducting a study that will identify improvements that may be needed along the South Old State Road corridor to improve safety and congestion and to provide for the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists. A public meeting to share project information and seek public input is scheduled for Wednesday July 20, 2011.

Wednesday July 20, 2011
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Orange Township Hall
1680 East Orange Road, Lewis Center, Ohio 43035

There will be no formal presentation at this meeting. The open house format will allow interested persons to review the study details at their own pace and to talk to representatives from the County Engineer office and URS.

Project Description

Traffic on South Old State Road has increased nearly two-fold in the last 10 years with significant growth in residential and commercial areas along the corridor. Safety has become a serious problem, particularly in the section from Polaris Parkway to Orange Road. From 2006-2009, there were nearly 300 crashes. The crash rate was more than 250% of the statewide average for similar roads.

In addition to vehicular safety and mobility concerns, pedestrian and bicycle facilities are limited along South Old State Road. Isolated segments of sidewalk and bike paths have been built, but there is poor connectivity with existing sidewalks and bike paths nearby.

The purpose of the project is to improve safety along South Old State Road from just south of Polaris Parkway to north of Orange Road by reducing crashes. Other important goals are to improve mobility by enhancing pedestrian and bicycle transportation, promoting community connectivity and accommodating transit.

The project limits extend from Wynstone Drive (south of Polaris Parkway) to Abbey Knoll Drive (north of Orange Road).

Engineering Information

Construction plans were prepared by URS/AECOM of Columbus, Ohio

Construction Information

Kenmore Construction is the prime contractor on the project.

Estimated Project Cost

$22 million total project cost. $16.8 million dollars will be provided through the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s allocation of federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funding.