Project Description
Replacement of three narrow concrete slab bridges on Thomas Road in Radnor Township. Project includes removal of existing bridges, and installing a precast, reinforced concrete box culvert at each location. Approach improvements including pavement and shoulder widening, drainage improvements and guardrail installation complete the project.
Project Location and Limits:
Bridge #1: Thomas Road about 1/4 mile south of Peel Road. Total project length is 400 feet.
Bridge #2: Thomas Road just north of Roberts Road. Total project length is 400 feet.
Bridge #3: Thomas Road 1/4 mile south of Norton Road. Total project length is 400 feet.
Road Closure Information
Road closed to through traffic at each bridge location with detour posted. Local resident traffic maintained. Only one bridge will be closed at a time, beginning with the bridge ¼ mile south of Peel Road.
Project Schedule
Design engineering: February 2005 to January 2006
Right-of-way acquisition: October 2005 to December 2005
Utility relocation: April to May 2006
Construction: April to July 2006
Engineering Information
Construction documents prepared by the Delaware County Engineer’s Design Department.
Construction Information
Contract awarded to Complete General Construction in the amount of $455,442.92
Estimated Project Cost
Total project cost $435,000
A State Capital Improvements Program grant from the Ohio Public Works Commission was received for $190,270